Anti Parasitic

Coccivex 20%


Each1 ml contains:
Amprolium HCl 226.1 mg ( Amprolium Base 200 mg)


- Coccivex 20% is anticoccidial used for prevention and treatment of coccidiosis that act by inhibiting thiamine in parasite metabolism.
- It is active against: Emeria tenella, E.necatrix, E.praecoxm, E.mitis, E.meleagrimitis, E.adenoeides, E.gallopavonis, E.bovis, E.zuernii, E.brunette.
- It is poorly absorbed after oral admistration, so it reaches the maximum concentration after 30 min- 1 hours.
- It basically eliminated by urinary tract.
- Coccivex has no negative effect on egg hatchability.


Treatment of coccidiosis in Poultry, Sheep and Goats.

Dosage and administration:

- Poultry: 1 ml/ liter of drinking water during 5-7 days.
In acute cases treatment can be prolonged for 7 days at 0.5 ml per liter of drinking water.
- Lambs and calves: 0.5ml/ 10 Kg body wt. in drinking water for 5 days.


200 ml, 1 liter.
